Thursday, November 4, 2010

Service Learning Project!

       It was not easy completing our service learning project! As a group, we made endless phone calls and sent endless emails to only to find that all of the local events benefitting Autism had already passed.  We asked several organizations if we could volunteer, and they didn't seem too enthused about volunteers who were not making a permanent volunteering schedule. We decided that it is important to spread the word about Autism, and its mysterious aspects, around our very own college campus. We made 25 posters at staples, that include Autism statistics, facts, and information about how to help and support the cause. It is time that Salem State University is fully aware of this disorder! This project has affected each one of us in many different ways. I never realized that Autism is so mysterious and unknown, it makes me want to figure out why, and find answers in any way that I can.  For the spring semester, I am trying to plan my classes around a time frame where I can commit to an organization that benefits children with Autism so I can truly make a difference.  Parents and children who have autism deserve answers, and I want to start working in anyway I can to make this happen.  The next few paragraphs will be the reflections of our project by other group members.  Thanks for reading! -Courtney

       Autism speaks in more ways then one. Throughout this service learning project, I've learned so much about Autism and the overwhelming effects it has had on the world. 1 in 110 children are effected by this disorder, yet the causes are still a mystery. Awareness is slowly making a presence in our society, but so much more can be done. Research needs to pave the way; we need to know what is causing this devastating disorder. So many children and adults lead successful lives living with Autism, but what about the ones who aren't so lucky? The spectrum is so wide and there are so many symptoms it seems hard to believe that this can all be chunked into one category, but the fact of the matter is, Autism is now a prevalent part of our society and we need to raise awareness. Even if you are not personally touched by this disorder, you can help the vast amount of families that are. I feel strongly about raising the awareness of Autism, and I hope that this world will join me. So much can be done; anything from a donation to volunteer work can make a world of difference in someone's life. I can only hope that people will help to piece this puzzle together. Autism speaks and its voice is only getting louder, so listen up!! 

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